Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Sacred Heart Diet, Cabbage Soup

Diet Review

There have been countless "fast weight loss" programs shown to the American people in recent decades. Anyone who has tried to lose some weight has surely seen them.

All of them promise nearly miraculous results with very little effort on the dieter's part. Some programs even hint that people with specific ailments, or dieters headed for serious surgery, might benefit especially from their program.

One of these "fad" diets is the Cabbage Soup Diet, and its close relative, the Sacred Heart Diet. Let's take a look at this type of diet and see what it has in store.

We'll examine the basic regimen for both the Cabbage Soup Diet and the Sacred Heart Diet.

On these diets, the dieter must eat large quantities of cabbage soup and follow a very strict diet for seven days. The idea is that the soup's hot broth will fool the stomach and brain into a feeling of fullness despite the few calories and nutrition offered by the soup or by the day's specific food allowances.

The soup recipe is made up of variations on the following ingredients: cabbage, green onions, canned diced tomatoes, green peppers, mushrooms, a bunch of celery, and various flavorings and seasonings. The advantage to this soup is that it is completely fat-free.

Despite some early claims for this diet, nutritionists assure us that the cabbage itself has no inherent fat-reducing qualities.

Technically, it is possible to see a loss of ten pounds on the scale in the course of the week. This would surely be attractive to the very obese, or new mothers trying to reduce their postpartum belly fat quickly.

With so few calories available in the diet, however, this rapid weight loss is mostly water, according to nutritionists.

This weight loss is misleading, because the weight will come back as soon as the dieter drinks a reasonable amount of water and ends the diet after the seven day cycle.

The dieter must follow a very restricted daily food regimen while on this diet:

- Day 1 - All the soup you can eat, plus plenty of fruit except bananas. Drink cranberry juice, unsweetened teas or water.

- Day 2 - Soup plus vegetables, except peas, beans and corn. No fruit. For dinner, a baked potato with a little butter.

- Day 3 - Soup, fruits and vegetables only.

- Day 4 - Soup, plus up to 8 bananas and all the skim milk you want.

- Day 5 - Cabbage soup plus 10- 20 ounces of lean beef or skinless chicken, plus up to 6 tomatoes. Be sure to drink plenty of water.

- Day 6 - Cabbage soup, all the vegetables you want, plus up to two full steaks. No carbs, fries, etc.

- Day 7 - Soup, brown rice and vegetables, and unsweetened fruit juice.

This diet does not encourage the dieter to develop good eating habits. It does not promote a healthy lifestyle that focuses on long-term vitality. No recommendations are made for any type of exercise in this diet. The cabbage soup or Sacred Heart diet is basically a modified fast diet.

Dieters note on many websites that they feel gassiness, lightheadedness, headaches, and other unpleasant effects, plus extreme hunger and some nausea.

Dieters would do well to visit their physician first, then seek out a healthier program that provides balanced nutrition and encourages proper exercise.


Rosemary Kurtz offers a revolutionary, health-focused weight loss and fitness program. No fads, just a great, healthy approach. Instantly download a report at http://www.superweightburner.com

Source: http://www.submityourarticle.com

Permalink: http://www.submityourarticle.com /a.php?a=105051

Monday, July 19, 2010

Exercise Tips for Vegetarian

To lose weight effectively as a vegetarian, eating a right vegetarian weight loss diet is not sufficient. You should factor in exercises to achieve more rewarding fat loss results. But you can't just do any workouts or do anytime if you want to get the most fat- burning response out of exercising. Check out these 7 exercise tips and you'll begin shedding unwanted excess body fat all day long - 24 hours round the clockwork.

Exercise Tip 1 - Interval Training

Do short burst interval training such that you'll transition between hard and easy exercise with active rest in between. Not cardio. Steady- state cardio only burns fat during the exercise bout while interval training will continue to burn fat throughout the day. (Interval training works extremely well for vegetarians who take up a nutrient-packed vegetarian weight loss diet because such diet will fuel your body with plenty of energy to help you sustain the short- burst exercises.)

Exercise Tip 2 - Metabolism Booster

Boost your metabolism to an all-time high with bodyweight exercises. Don't waste time doing many reps of exercises with those little dumbbells which only maintains a slow, steady state of metabolism.

Exercise Tip 3 - Ab Flattener

All pros know that crunches do not work on burning belly fat. So, do total body ab exercises like Stability Ball Jackknives, Side Planks, Cross-Body Mountain Climbers, and Stability Ball Rollouts, etc. You'll get rid of your stubborn belly fat faster. Again, a quality detoxifying vegetarian weight loss diet which helps to remove toxins from your belly fat and cleanse your body will help you achieve optimal belly fat loss.

Exercise Tip 4 - Best Time to Exercise

Morning is the best time to burn more fat. But if you can't work out in the morning due to shift work or odd working hours, never mind, other timings will still help you burn fat, albeit slightly lesser.

Exercise Tip 5 - Eating for Energy

You can work out before breakfast if you don't feel hungry or feel slightly hungry only. But it's best to take 2- 3 whole grain crackers or 2 slices of wholegrain bread (as light snack) 30 minutes before you exercise since most of the energy you got from dinner the night before could've been used up by the following morning, and you need some fuel to power your workouts in the morning.

Exercise Tip 6 - Eating for Recovery

Eat a nutrient-dense vegetarian meal that contains both protein and carbohydrate within 2 hours after your workouts to help your muscle recover and restore your glycogen loss.

Exercise Tip 7 - Proper Hydration Techniques

Don't drink too much water before exercise. Just consume enough for hydration purpose. During active rest in your interval training, take small sips of water to quench your thirst. Even right after the regimen, take small sips. Increase your water consumption only 30 minutes after the regimen.

Note: Your exercises will help you lose weight with minimum effort only when your body receives vital nutrients via a quality vegetarian weight loss diet.


Laura Ng invites you to grab your FREE vegetarian diet for weight loss at http://www.inotfat.com/ now. When you apply her tried-and- true techniques in the diet plan, you'll break your weight loss plateau, lose your belly fat, improve your health and eliminate your overweight problems permanently, without side effects. Discover more proven tips to lose weight vegetarian at http://www.inotfat.com/lose- weight-vegetarian/ now.

Source: http://www.submityourarticle.com

Permalink: http://www.submityourarticle.com /a.php?a=104698

Saturday, July 10, 2010

27 Healthy Diet Tips- A Guide

We all have been looking for the ultimate solution on how to lose weight while eating what we like.

Here are some suggestion and diet tips

1. Make a delicious low fat mayonnaise by combining one teaspoon of Dijon mustard or satay sauce with a low fat yogurt.

2. Do not skip meals. Skipping meals slicks the body into slowing down the metabolism, attempting to conserve calories during a period where limited fats and fuel are available.

3. Stuff vegetables like capsicum and zucchini with flavored fillings or minced chicken, white meat or fish.

4. Take pita bread roll ups or wraps with salad fillings.

5. Eight hours after waking up, our metabolism slows down,and that is why 30 minutes of exercise before dinner will increase the metabolism for about two to three hours. This produces an increase in burned fat even hours after the work out is over.

6. Add alfalfa or mung beans to salad to get extra iron.

7. Good cooking and healthy diet begins with learning about nutrition and how to prepare healthy recipes.

8.When cooking, make sure that fats, salt, and sugar are cut out. Substitute non-fat yogurt for cream, stir-fry without oil.

9.Consult the doctor before beginning an exercise or weight loss program.

10.Eat slowly and chew each bite during meals as this would decrease one's appetite.

11. Use chicken stock when stir-frying. This will cut down on hidden fat

12. Complete three small meals and two snacks everyday instead of one or two huge meals.

13. Buy non-toasted muesli instead of the toasted ones. A plate of toasted muesli contains more fat than a plate of bacon and eggs.

14.Do not remove the skins of fruits and vegetables since most of the nutrients are concentrated under the skin.

15. Warm water with just a squeeze of lemon juice before breakfast get the metabolism going for the day, this also help preventing constipation and is excellent for the skin.

16. One of the best sources of vegetable protein is from soya beans or tofu. All legumes provide some protein, so include lentils, lima beans etc into casseroles and soups.

17. Look for a weight loss "buddy," club, or support mates. This will motivate you,or try to join the gym.

18. Though it's hard at first, try not eating 3 hours or more before bedtime.

19. Make pasta a fast food choice - preparing a pasta meal or salad will only take 10-12 minutes.

20. Substitute baking soda, baking powder, MSG and soya sauce in cooking. Chilli helps to speed up metabolism - even the milder varieties.

21. Try making omelettes without adding the yolks! A dramatic decrease in fat.

22. Substitute baking soda, baking powder, MSG and soya sauce in cooking.

23. Remove fat by dropping ice cubes into the baking tray. Fat will stick to the ice cubes.

24. Drinking hot water instead of cold water. In the morning can increase the speed of your metabolism and burn more calories.

25. Eat before you go food shopping and always prepare a shopping list. Only buy food which relates to your weekly menu plan.

26.Use herbs and spices instead of salt to taste.

27.This has nothing to do with eating,but fasting is another way to weight loss.Try to fast,it cleanse your colon and help you lose your weight.

Make sure that the right discipline is still practiced to promote consistency on the diet plan.


For more free tips,advice,and other solutions on how to lose weight and lose fat fast,please visit my free website at: http://www.FatLoss.EmpireInform ation.com

Source: http://www.submityourarticle.com

Permalink: http://www.submityourarticle.com /a.php?a=103326

Friday, June 25, 2010

Before You Think Of Fasting For

Weight Loss

The likelihood of you leisurely reading this is not considerable, so that means that you are likely looking to learn a little more about the most effective routes towards losing weight. So many times, people want to take things to an extreme level, considering things like fasting for weight loss. Honestly, there might be both positives and negatives in this extreme approach.

You should likely know what fasting is first, though, in case you aren't entirely sure. Fasting (usually) consists of cutting out all food for a period of time and relying soley on water to sustain yourself. The period of time is typically only a day or two, though it can last as long as a week without serious repercussions.

There are actually several different reasons that this could benefit you, but there are actually several different detrimental aspects of it as well. The main way that you could benefit is that you are going to lose weight in abundance when you regiment a program like this. So if losing weight is a matter of utmost importance to you, than lose weight you shall.

This process also does not necessarily require you to eat well or worry about eating as much. So this is a benefit to some people, and it can also be the thorn in the sides for others, as they never learn how to really break free from bad food habits.

You might need to be concerned, though. If you do this too much, you can deplete your body of the essentials that it needs. Your body needs vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and much more to run on a healthy level. So excessive fasting could prove to be detrimental to your health. Furthermore, you need to be aware that just losing a lot of weight does not tone your body, and therefore exercise is essential as well.

You should really think it through before you implement any plan involving fasting for weight loss. Yes, fasting will in fact help you to lose weight if it is the route that you choose to take. However, there are other routes that you could take as well.


Learn more about Fasting for Weight Loss. Stop by Rheza Sulaiman's site where you can find out all about Fasting to Lose Weight and what it can do for you. http://www.great- antiaging.com/fasting-for- weight-loss/

Source: http://www.submityourarticle.com

Permalink: http://www.submityourarticle.com /a.php?a=105260

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

New Findings on Obesity and Weight Loss Surgery presented at American Society for Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS)

New Findings on Obesity and Weight Loss Surgery presented at American Society for Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS)

Newswise — Leading researchers, scientists, medical and surgical professionals from all over the world gather here at the 27th annual scientific meeting of the American Society for Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) this week to present new findings on obesity, morbid obesity, bariatric and metabolic surgery.

“Studies this year provide important new data on some lesser known benefits of bariatric and metabolic surgery, offer new insights into how to reduce complication rates and improve patient outcomes even further, and further document the challenges people with morbid obesity face the longer treatment is delayed or denied,” said John Baker, MD, President, ASMBS, and Medical Director, Baptist Medical Center’s Baptist Health Weight Loss Center in Little Rock, Arkansas.

Surgery’s Impact on Female Sexual Dysfunction and High Cholesterol
Researchers from Miriam Hospital and Brown University Medical School found that nearly 70 percent of women with sexual dysfunction no longer have the condition within six months of bariatric surgery. Another study by University of Iowa Hospital and Clinics researchers showed that within six months of gastric bypass, nearly all patients with high cholesterol had normal cholesterol levels and those who were on statins or other lipid lowering drugs before surgery no longer needed them, even six years after surgery.

Clinical Consequences of Insurance Mandated Diet Programs and Denials of Surgery
A new study shows patients denied bariatric surgery by their insurer developed a host of new obesity-related diseases and conditions including Type 2 diabetes, hypertension and obstructive sleep apnea, within three years. Another study on insurers, showed that patients on insurance-mandated diet programs for six months before bariatric surgery did no better than patients with no such insurance requirement. However, patients on these programs had to wait, on average, about four months longer for surgery.

Patient Outcomes Affected by Gender, Race, and Family
A study of 38,000 patients finds that Hispanic, Caucasian and female patients are among the patient groups that have the fewest complications after bariatric surgery. The study is one of the largest to identify differences in surgical outcomes based on demographic factors. Another study found family members who undergo surgery together lose significantly more weight and have a higher resolution of obesity-related conditions than patients who don’t share the experience with a loved one. The study shows brothers and sisters who shared the surgical experience had the best outcomes.

Morbid obesity is a disease that affects more than 15 million people in the U.S. Last year, an estimated 220,000 Americans had metabolic or bariatric surgery, which is less than 1 percent of the medically eligible population. In 2008, annual obesity-related health spending reached $147 billion, double what it was a decade ago, and spending is projected to rise to $344 billion each year by 2018.

People with morbid obesity are generally 100 or more pounds overweight, have a BMI of 40 or more, or a BMI of 35 or more with an obesity-related disease, such as Type 2 diabetes, heart disease or sleep apnea. The most common methods of bariatric surgery are laparoscopic gastric bypass and laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding.

About the ASMBS
The ASMBS is the largest organization for bariatric surgeons in the world. It is a non-profit organization that works to advance the art and science of bariatric surgery and is committed to educating medical professionals and the lay public about bariatric surgery as an option for the treatment of morbid obesity, as well as the associated risks and benefits. It encourages its members to investigate and discover new advances in bariatric surgery, while maintaining a steady exchange of experiences and ideas that may lead to improved surgical outcomes for morbidly obese patients. For more information about the ASMBS, visit www.asmbs.org.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Working like dog brings weight loss

Working like dog brings weight loss

Working like dog brings weight loss

Ken Raymond lost 3 pounds this week, raising his weight loss total to 25½ pounds.

BY KEN RAYMOND Oklahoman Comment on this article 5
Published: June 20, 2010

I need to report a lost dog.

Not really. Don't get all worried.

I've lost the equivalent of a dog. After 11 weeks of eating better and exercising more, I've dropped 25½ pounds — about the weight of a large Boston terrier.

Ken Raymond has now lost a Boston terrier-sized amount of weight. FILE PHOTO BY JACONNA AGUIRRE, THE OKLAHOMAN

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Working like dog brings weight loss

My brother had Bostons, so I can picture this weight-loss dog in my head. It's got big bug eyes and an underslung jaw. Its fur is patterned like a killer whale, and it looks as if it evolved from one of those deep sea fish with an outsized mouth and rows of needle-sharp teeth. It jumps up at me endlessly, either trying to bite me or convince me to pet it. Maybe both.

Nothing against Boston terriers — or my brother, for that matter — but I never much liked his dogs. And the one I lost?

I don't ever want to find it again.

It'd be easy for me to find. It wouldn't take long.

All I'd have to do is stop paying attention to what I eat.

I could do that without difficulty, because I've done it before.

Several years back, I signed up for Weight Watchers and followed that plan for a while.

It's a good plan. Works for a lot of people. My doctor had recommended it to me.

I did great for about four months. I dropped about 37 pounds, and I had less to lose then than I do now. Every time I ran into someone I hadn't seen for a while, they marveled at my weight loss.

"How'd you do it?” they'd ask.

"The hard way,” I'd reply, feeling smug. "Diet and exercise.”

Then autumn rolled around. I'm from a cold weather state, and fall makes me hunger for rich, meaty dishes and apple cider.

The early darkness left me tired, and the gym was much less appealing than stew, bread, a warm fire and a football game on TV.

Thanksgiving is always a feast.

Christmas shopping is easier on a full stomach. Doesn't all that cinnamon and nutmeg and gingerbread smell alluring?

By the time the new year rolled around, I'd reclaimed each of those 37 pounds I'd worked so hard to shed. Half-hearted resolutions to get back in shape followed, with a predictable lack of results.

Somehow I managed to blank out my mind most of the time. Even as I bought increasingly larger clothes, I told myself I wasn't that big. "I've got big shoulders,” I'd say. "With my frame, I carry it well.”

In March, I weighed in at 307 pounds. Suddenly I couldn't ignore my weight problem anymore.

I started this project on April 1, and in the weeks that followed, I chose more nutritious foods and sweated through cardio and weightlifting exercises. Slowly but surely, I shaved those 25½ pounds off my still-sizeable body.

I lost that dog.

But in the distance, I can hear it barking.


Read more: http://www.newsok.com/working-like-dog-brings-weight-loss/article/3469771?custom_click=pod_headline_health#ixzz0raHKKlaz

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Fitness Training: Learn to Love your Weight Loss Journey (or Lose the Race)

I can tell you right now, that if you are not looking forward to making that lifestyle change or the road to get there, you will fail. Little in life is really just about the outcome. When you decide to buy that car that you have been dreaming about on for weeks, months or even years; a lot goes into that experience. All the times you?ve been scanning brochures, researched it on the internet, customised it online, test-driven it, enquired about it, imagined it, talked about, dreamt (or even fantasised about it), putting money away, looking forward to the day you?d buy it, going through motions with the dealer, exchanging pleasantries while acting hard to get (even though you have already made up your mind), deciding on the customisation (even though you?ve known what you wanted for months), picking the right colour, signing the papers, driving it home, showing it off to your friends? and the list goes on.

Just snapping your fingers and having that car today would be great, indeed, but it would take away all the satisfaction and exhilaration involved with buying the car in the first place; everything that will make you really treasure owning it. Your weight loss journey can be like that, and if you make it out to be you?ll soon care less about the outcome, because you know that you will get there, just like you know that putting away X dollars each month will eventually get you that car. And once you have that confidence in your ability you will find that a lot of stress, worry and anxiety will be simply stripped of your body, like fat literally melts away through effective fitness training. You can also look forward to the positive reinforcements you will get all through your journey to compound off of each other, leaving you with an unstoppable positive spiral and energy high. So, let?s get excited about the journey and I can assure you that it will be a much more pleasurable experience and something you will actually stick with. You are the only one who knows what motivates you, so fill your mind with images and emotions illustrating just that. And don?t just do it on the days you may find yourself discouraged, do it every day and make it next to impossible for negative thinking to find you. You?ll have a ball, and when times do get tough, you will be tougher!

Anders N W Lindgreen - Specialising in Fitness Training. You should follow me on Twitter here!

Source: http://www.submityourarticle.com

Permalink: http://www.submityourarticle.com/a.php?a=103193

Monday, June 14, 2010

Healthful leaves help weight loss

DRINKING a cup of coffee fortified with olive leaf extract has the potential to combat obesity, Australian research suggests.

The study, the first to show that the olive leaf extract reduced fat stores in rats, was carried out by scientists from the University of Southern Queensland and is published in the latest edition of the American Journal of Nutrition."

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Fastest Way To Lose Weight Discovered By Professional Trainers

Fastest Way To Lose Weight Discovered - New way to lose weight fast revealed

by Emily G.



The fastest way to lose weight has finally been revealed in a recent blind study done on a number of voluntary participants. Surprisingly the top fastest ways to lose weight quickly were online eBook and courses that taught consumers how to boost their metabolism and shed pounds quickly in a short period of time. Obviously most people want to know how to lose weight as quickly as possible so having quick access to the resources to lose weight obviously plays a role.

The fastest way to lose weight is actually a program called "Fat Loss 4 Idiot's" which is an online course, eBook and social community where consumer's can get support and follow the program to shed dramatic amounts of weight. There are a number of online weight loss programs that will help people to lose weight but Fat Loss 4 Idiot's was shown to be one of the best when it came to dropping serious pounds quickly. To view a professional trainer's review of the course go to http://www.WeightLossProgramReviewz.com right now.

The fastest way to lose weight isn't with fad diets or doing harmful supplements and experimental treatments. Using a tried and tested, professional trainer recommended course is the best way to go and Fat Loss 4 Idiot's received the seal of approval in terms of quality quick weight loss solutions. The full version of the review is at http://www.WeightLossProgramReviewz.com

If you or someone you know needs to lose weight soon then make sure you check out the full review by a professional trainer of the Fat Loss 4 Idiot's program by visiting http://www.WeightLossProgramReviewz.com
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Becka Aims
Tel: 315452152

Friday, June 11, 2010

Healthy Weight Loss Programs- What are some healthy weight loss programs for any age? — My Weight Loss System

Healthy Weight Loss Programs- What are some healthy weight loss programs for any age? — My Weight Loss System

by admin
WP Greet Box icon

To understand how simple is can be to keep weight off forever, you first need to know why is virtually impossible to buy any healthy weight loss programs. The diet and weight loss industry hopes you will never realize this, but all the facts point to the reality that two out of three Americans are still overweight or obese, no matter what diet product or program they buy- and here’s why:
You can only lose weight one way- you need to burn off more calories than you take in. Simply put, you need to burn off more calories than you consume.
The sad truth is, so few individuals know this, that they think the have to buy their healthy weight loss programs. Expensive weight loss plans [Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Nutrisystems, etc.] all claim to have the ideal healthy weight loss programs. These costly programs for weight loss can work- if you allow them to help you create a personal calorie deficit. However, most people that buy commercial weight loss programs- even ones that are considered healthy- end up gaining back more weight than they lost.
So why commercial “healthy weight loss programs” can’t help you permanently keep weight off? Simple: It’s quite simple actually, it’s because it makes it impossible for you to know how to keep weight off on your own. See how that works? When you take away the tool you are using to create the calorie deficit for you- you take away your calorie deficit at the same time. Then if you’re like most people, you go back to the old diet that was making you gain weight. Keeping weight off forever is like learning how to swim. If you never take off your life jacket, you’ll never totally know how to swim by yourself. So if you’re buying something- even if it’s the worlds most perfect healthy weight loss program, you’re never learning how to keep weight off with your daily actions.
However, just like learning how to swim, when you learn how to create your own “healthy weight loss programs” it’s gets very easy- and you know how forever. The reason keeping weight off is simple because it’s only possible with the calorie deficit. What makes weight loss feel hard is when you don’t know how to easily create your own calorie deficit.
Don’t don’t think healthy weight loss programs are smart to buy from the diet industry, because the facts prove the opposite. Instead of eating what someone else thinks you should eat, just choose a large group of natural foods that you enjoy. When do that, and get active in ways you like too, losing weight becomes so simple you barely give much thought.
And that’s just the beginning! When you discover how to make your own “healthy weight loss programs” you learn an incredible new life changing skill set. How so? Because when you have control over your diet- you have control over some ever strong emotions. And when you control these emotions, the mental will power is there to control almost anything else in life that’s tempting you.
Here’s how I created my own healthy weight loss program . This information transformed my life, it can do the same for you too.
Healthy Weight Loss Programs- What are some healthy weight loss programs for any age?

I write about products that have the potential to change people’s lives, therefor I recommend New Body New Life.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Daily Herald | Acupuncturist helps Fittest Loser contestants lose weight

Daily Herald | Acupuncturist helps Fittest Loser contestants lose weight

Steve Amsden, a trainer at Push Fitness, had a back problem, and acupuncturist Dr. Hiroya Nakamura helped him.

So when Push Fitness co-owner Mark Trapp was looking for an acupuncturist, Amsden sent him to Nakamura, who helped Trapp recharge his personal energy.

That went so well that Trapp decided Nakamura could help the Push Fitness clients who were looking for answers to diet and health questions that bothered them so.

Push Fitness is a personal training facility in Schaumburg, co-owned by Trapp and Josh Steckler. Push Fitness sponsored the Fittest Loser competition, a three-month contest between five Daily Herald readers to see who could lose the most weight.

As part of the program, Push Fitness introduced each contestant to a new diet, and also allowed them to visit Nakamura for acupuncture therapy to assist with their weight loss.

"Dr. Nakamura helped me," Trapp said. "I'd seen an acupuncturist for the energy side of it. I went for the 'chi' side of it. I've been seeing him for the last six months.

"Anytime I am able to do something for myself that makes me feel better, if I can pass that on to my clients and give them an opportunity to do that, I want to do it," he said. "He works on healing the body by reading your energy. He is able to work on back pain, neck pain or working on getting your energy back in balance."

The contestants, all new to the idea of acupuncture, came away impressed with the process and the effect.

"It was great, a great experience," said Frank Valenti, a 54-year-old former baker from Bartlett. "You really relax. It boosted my energy. It was a big surprise. I didn't know what I was getting in to but it worked out great."

Nakamura explains how acupuncture, which is the practice of applying electrode needles to key body parts to stimulate the body's functions, works on weight loss.

"It make body connections normal," Nakamura said. "I stimulate body points to normalize the connections. If you have enough amounts of food, your stomach sends the signal to the brain: 'Stop eating, I am full.' But if that connection is not good, you are going to keep eating."

The process can also produce the opposite effect. It can make a person suffering from anorexia eat, because the body is asking for food but the stomach-to-brain connection is poor, Nakamura said.

Nakamura is also a chiropractor, and he helped all of the contestants with the aches and pains that came from starting a new and rigorous workout program, using a combination of acupuncture and chiropractic measures.

"Each of them had a different issue," Nakamura said. "Many of them had knee pain, and I helped with that."

"I was lifting some heavy weights," contestant Jan Vitullo said. "I never had lower back pain in my life, but I had a little bit after lifting, and once I started going to him, I never had that pain again. My elbow pain went away, too."

Deb Mirabelli, another contestant, said she "quit counting at 62" as Nakamura applied the acupuncture needles. But it was his chiropractic measures that helped Mirabelli the most.

"He explained to me I had a curvature in my spine and it was pushing me to the side so I was losing my balance," Mirabelli said. "He started adjusting that and I felt the difference."

Several contestants didn't fully grasp the acupuncture experience, but Nakamura said it does take some getting used to. He also said accepting the idea that acupuncture can help allows it to help more.

"There is a mind and body connection," Nakamura said.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Standing on one foot can test your aging degree

Very often, we believe that health is the state of the body in everyday life. Once the need to complete a certain amount of movement, our body is less likely to obey the. This issue will introduce some simple and practical method of self-rated health to help you learn more about their fitness, to see which is the weak link can be targeted to enhance training.

Abdominal muscles can be trained to live longer

Some studies have shown that abdominal obesity were more vulnerable to excess fat, shortened life expectancy. If the abdominal subcutaneous fat than the normal standard of 15% to 25%, then the mortality rate would increase by 30%. And close the abdominal muscles, their endurance is considered resistant to chronic diseases, such as heart disease and diabetes. Would like to know your abdominal muscles aging it? May wish to come to a self-test:

Supine, knees 90 degrees, feet flat on the ground. Arms stretched on the side of the body, palms down. Note that the entire process, we must keep the arm parallel with the ground, his legs are not off the ground. 5 seconds with a slow movement upward tuck until the sitting position, pause 1 second, and then 5 seconds to restore. If you can not pause to complete more than 10 times, can be regarded as qualified. If it can not be completed 10 times, or to 30 degrees will not be able to continue to complete the move by expressing serious abdominal aging, the need to strengthen abdominal muscles exercise.

The heart of brisk walking proficiency test

If you can within 10 minutes has completed 1 km, indicating good health; if it has completed in 20 minutes, 2 km, indicating good health; and if they can in 30 minutes has completed three kilometers, then your physical condition is as good as with the young man. This is the U.S. medical experts recommend using a walking self-rated health status of the formula.

Moderate exercise three hours a week, or brisk walking at 23 kilometers a day can significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease risk. Per month to spend three hours fast walking, or a half-hour jogging and other dynamic warm-up exercise (such as aerobics), would enable the women’s risk of heart disease decreased by 35% to 40%.

Needs to be emphasized that the stroll-style walk, no matter how long you stick to every day and multiple long-distance, are to reduce heart disease risk is negligible. On the cardiac movement, this research suggests that with a strong heart for the purpose of physical exercise, there must be a certain strength.

Do not let your premature aging

Medical University in Kyoto, Japan proposed a simple method of measuring aging you: your hands close to the thigh on both sides, closes his eyes, one leg standing, according to a stable standing time can be roughly determined with the age-related aging of speed – 50 to 59-year-old as 7.4 seconds, 60 to 69 in 5.8 seconds, 70 to 79 years was 3.3 seconds, below the statement of this standard aging too fast. As for women than men could be calculated for 10-year-old. The longer standing, of aging more slowly.

Long-term adherence were moderate physical activity decreased lung capacity is very slow, even after 60 years of age, vital capacity than normal. You can check lung function by breath-hold time. Took a deep breath, then breath-hold, the longer the better, and then slowly exhale, exhale as the best time of 3 seconds. The maximum breath-holding, a 20-year-old, state of health very good people, and sustainable to 120 seconds. And a over 50 years old, about 30 seconds.

Aerobic exercise can persist in the human physiological aging delay for 12 years. Middle age, the body’s maximum oxygen intake began to once every 10 years about 5 ml of the speed continued to decline. A very small movement of men, its 60 at the age of maximal aerobic capacity will fall to about 25 milliliters, almost half the age of only 20. However, regular jogging and other aerobic exercise can delay or reverse the aging process of people. Research shows that a long period of relatively high-intensity aerobic exercise can make a person’s maximum aerobic capacity increased 25%, equivalent to minus the 10-year-old to 12-year-old biological age.

Standing on one foot can test your aging degree « Fast Weight Loss & Weight Loss Tips

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Low Carb Diet = Lower Blood Pressure

By Madeline Ellis

Fad diets come and go, but one weight-loss trend that has lasted for nearly five decades is the low-carbohydrate diet. Many types of low-carb diets exist, each with varying restrictions on the types and amounts of carbohydrates, although the theory behind them is essentially the same: by restricting daily carbohydrate intake, the body is forced to break down fat to use as energy, a state known as ketosis. But researchers are discovering that the health benefits of a low-carb diet may extend beyond weight loss. For example, a 2007 study found that a diet low in carbohydrates improved HDL (good) cholesterol and triglyceride levels better than a low-fat diet. And recently, in one of the first studies to compare the benefits of diet alone to taking weight loss drugs, researchers found that a low-carb diet was more effective in lowering hypertension than the drug orlistat—without the side effects.

The study included 146 adults with an average body mass index (BMI) of 39 (30 and above is considered obese) and an average age of 52 who were randomly assigned to a low-carbohydrate diet or orlistat (Xenical) with a low-fat diet. Participants on the low-carb diet were restricted to a carbohydrate intake of less than 20 grams per day, while the group taking orlistat received three 120 milligram doses daily and got less than 30 percent of their calories from fat.

Over 48 weeks, both groups experienced similar weight loss; 9.5 percent in the low-carb group compared to 8.5 percent in the orlistat group. However, nearly half (47 percent) of those in the low-carb group were able to reduce or eliminate their blood pressure medication during the study, compared with about one-fifth (21 percent) of those in the orlistat group. Overall, systolic blood pressure (the top number) dropped an average of 5.9 points among the low-carb group, compared to 1.5 points in the orlistat group. Similar reductions were seen for diastolic blood pressure.

“I expected the weight loss to be considerable with both therapies but we were surprised to see blood pressure improve so much more with the low-carbohydrate diet than with orlistat,” lead researcher Dr. William S. Yancy, Jr., an associate professor of medicine at Duke University Medical Center and a staff physician at the Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Durham, North Carolina, said in a news release.

Yancy says that while weight loss itself typically produces a reduction in blood pressure, the study results suggest that a low-carb diet may have an additional blood-pressure lowering effect, making it a better option than weight loss medication for people who have high blood pressure and a weight problem. “It’s important to know you can try a diet instead of medication and get the same weight loss results with fewer costs and potentially fewer side effects.” Side effects of medication can include nausea and diarrhea.

“This small study reinforces the message that weight loss in obese individuals will have a significant impact on the risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease,” the British Heart Foundation said. “Identifying that you need to lose weight, finding a dietary approach that suits you individually combined with a regular physical activity program will help to reduce your risk of coronary heart disease and stroke.”

Yancy says there are plenty of weight loss options out there, but notes the trick is to choose one you think you “could stick to better,” and work with your doctor to help “target the right intervention for you.” HealthNews has already done the research for you, reviewing some of the most popular diets, including the low-carb Atkins and Zone. Choosing one, of course, is entirely up to you!

The study was published in the January 25 issue of the Archives of Internal Medicine.


Saturday, January 30, 2010

Biggest Loser winner talks

by Kevin Myrick

Ali Vincent thought she would never lose the hundred pounds she’d gained over the years. The fifth season winner of NBC’s “The Biggest Loser” found herself again in the challenge to lose the most weight on the series by keeping to her personal mantra and book title “Believe It, Be It.”

Vincent, a Phoenix, Ariz., native, was at Berry College on Tuesday to speak about her experiences on the show and about her struggles throughout life to lose more than 100 pounds.

“It’s about making personal choices every day that will last you a lifetime,” she said. “I never thought my life would be what it is today.”

She also said to the hundreds of students in the audience that the first step to bettering yourself is to gather evidence to support a goal.

“For years I’ve collected evidence for why I didn’t deserve to be healthy and happy,” she said. “You have to go to the doctor and go online and really research and find reasons to do something.”

Vincent said her experiences on the reality TV series also taught her that even an ordinary person can make a big impact in the lives of many.

“I’ve gotten thousands of e-mails over the past couple of years of people asking me how I did what I did,” she said. “It has been fun and I try to embrace it as much as possible.”

Before being selected for the show, Vincent said her life was a series of setbacks, and that she gained 5 pounds at a time.

“Somehow in my mind I got OK with that 5 pounds,” she said. “But before I knew it, 5 was 50 and 50 was 100.”

After watching the third season’s two-hour finale with her mother, Vincent said she decided to put in an application for the show, and the rest is history.

Since becoming the first woman to win “The Biggest Loser,” Vincent has gone on to appear on “The Oprah Winfrey Show” and “The Ellen Degeneres Show” and now has her own book.

The Berry College Bookstore, in the Krannert Center, has copies of “Believe It, Be It” available for purchase. Call 706-236-5499 for details. The book can be found online at the NBC Universal store and at Amazon.com. Rome's Barnes & Noble store does not have the title in stock, but it is available to order.

Weight loss tips from 'Biggest Loser' winner

Ali Vincent tried diets, tried exercise and even considered surgery to help with her weight loss. What it took was research, hard work and will power to be “The Biggest Loser” on the hit NBC show’s fifth season. Here are some tips she said helped her go beyond the challenge:

First and foremost, Vincent said that collecting evidence for how weight loss can make you better makes the motivation for healthy eating and exercise work. She said diets, in her experience, don’t work.

“Counting calories and making sure you can burn off what you take in makes a big difference,” she said.

Vincent said personal trainers on the show had weight loss down to a science of sorts, doing everything from tracking caffeine intake to offset cortisol — a hormone released when the body or mind is stressed and retains fat in the body — to sodium intake.

Second, Vincent said to consult trainers, nutritionists and physicians about diets and exercise so each individual can find their own balance.

Finally, she said to not rely on workouts for pure weight loss.

“You don’t need to go to the gym,” she said. “You need to move.”

She suggests that people get involved with community or college-based wellness programs to help keep fit.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Weight Loss Tips - Keeping Track of Your Progress

By Michelle Spencer

No amount of weight loss tips are going to be much good to you if you don't monitor and keep track of your progress. Now you can actually take out that notebook, binder, or folder you bought. Open your book and let's get started with compiling your own personal database.

How Much Do You Weight?

It's important to have a reliable set of scales - but that doesn't mean you have to spend a fortune buying some or put off thinking about losing weight because you don't have any.Although the balance scales at your doctor's surgery are the most accurate type, any fairly new set of bathroom scales should be reliable. If you don't have any scales, or ones you trust, buy the best you can afford. The main thing is always to weigh yourself on the same scales and at the same time of day.

Weighing yourself systematically means that even if the weight you get isn't the same as at your doctor's office or gym, it will reflect in relative terms where you began and the distance, kilos-wise, you've travelled.

Take a look at the numbers. Wiggle around a bit if you think it will help, but as soon as the pointer stops moving, write the figure in your personal database.

How tall are you?

No, there's no way this article can make you taller, but since you will need to know your height to figure out your BMI and find yourself on the height-weight table, you may as well measure yourself. Don't rely on what you think your height has always been. I spent the better part of my adult life thinking I was 5 foot nothing (approx. 1.52 m), but a few years ago I went to a new doctor, who measured me and informed me that I was |A 5 ft 1 in (1.54 m). Maybe I grew in my 40s, who knows? But it did mean I could get away with weighing a bit more before I had to call myself overweight.

The best way to measure your height at home is to stand against a wall in bare feet, with your shoulders back and head straight. Have someone slide a pencil across your scalp and make a mark on the wall. If you're on your own, make a mark yourself, being careful not to hunch your shoulders or move your head. Measure from the floor to the mark on the wall with a tape measure, then add the answer to your personal database.

What's Your BMI?

Take a look at a BMI chart. Find your height and weight, and locate the number where the two come together. Write your BMI in your personal database.

* Is it under 20? You may actually be underweight. If your BMI is under 20 and you think you're fat, do not embark on any kind of weight loss diet without talking to your doctor.
* Is it under 25? That means your weight is normal.
* Is it close to 25? You are right on the border between normal weight and overweight. In your case, regular exercise and sensible eating can help you lose some kilos, get fit, and keep you on the safe side of the BMI table.
* Is it 25 or over? If so, you are overweight and need to do something about it.
* Is it over 30? If so, you are obese. If your BMI is over 30, you are a higher risk for many health problems. You may already have one or more disorders or conditions that not only threaten your health, but may require special strategies for diet and exercise.

Losing weight is all about monitoring and tracking your progress - otherwise how else are you going to know what works best for you? These free weight loss tips can help get help you lose weight and show you how to find out what works for you. And why not get started with a nutritious health juice diet.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Hospital opens weight-loss surgery program for teens amid controversy

The opening of the Teen Obesity Weight Loss Program at Denver’s Rose Medical Center has garnered criticism from other bariatric professionals.

Directed by Dr. Michael A. Snyder, the program includes several weeks of pre- and post-surgery counseling on nutrition, psychology, and behavioral change. “Being a morbidly obese teen is a total nightmare,” says Dr. Snyder. He makes sure that patients are well aware of their responsibilities following weight-loss surgery and “are ready for a life-long commitment.”

Other bariatric experts, however, aren’t so sure that bariatric surgery is the best choice for teens. “It’s kind of young to be going through something so drastic,” says Dr. Wendy Scinta, a pediatric bariatrician who runs a weight-loss clinic in New York. “We need to give them a shot at doing something less aggressive at first.”

Scinta states she would recommend bariatric surgery for a teen only if the patients weighed in excess of 600 pounds and was “truly on death’s door.” At her clinic, emphasis is placed on losing weight through exercise and healthy eating.

Other doctors say with teens, it can be difficult to discern the parents’ wishes from the patient’s when it comes to bariatric surgery. “For 40-year-olds, it is because they are choosing themselves to make themselves healthier,” says Dr. Scott Fisher, director of bariatrics at Penrose-St. Francis Health Services in Colorado Springs. But overweight teens may feel more pressured by society or by their parents to undergo surgery.

To read the full article, please visit Hospital opens bariatric program for teens amid controversy.


To learn more about childhood obesity, check out these titles on Amazon.com:

Underage and Overweight: America's Childhood Obesity Epidemic — What Every Parent Needs to Know, by Frances M. Berg

Obesity in Youth: Causes, Consequences, and Cures, edited by Leslie J. Heinberg and J. Kevin Thompson

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Metabolism and weight loss challenges

By Jodi Pettersen

How often do you hear someone complain that they can't lose weight and blame it on their “slow metabolism”? Well, sometimes that is the truth and other times it is not.

In simple terms, our metabolism is how fast our body burns off energy or calories. Many of us attempt to follow very low-calorie diets, and we end up slowing down our body's burning capacity. This causes your body to hold on to the fat, and weight loss attempts fail.

Twenty percent to 40 percent of overweight people actually have a fast metabolism. They are not losing weight because they consume more calories than they burn.

So how do we know what our metabolism is doing? Registered dietitians have always used equations to come up with a calorie level that may work. But now there are ways to get an actual figure of what your body is truly doing, through indirect calorimetry, considered the gold standard.

The patient breathes through a mouthpiece with their nose plugged for about 10 minutes, which shows the “resting metabolic rate,” or how many calories you are burning at rest. The test will also show where your metabolism falls in comparison to a typical person with the same sex, height, weight, and age.

The test, performed by a registered dietitian or other medical professional, indicates how many calories that person needs for weight loss and weight maintenance. The dietitian can then create a personalized meal plan for the individual based on the test results.

Some people will actually have a slow metabolism, and at that point, they would be referred to a physician to check for possible thyroid issues. Many insurance companies are now covering for metabolic testing and nutritional counseling with a registered dietitian.

We all know that the key to weight loss is to make permanent lifestyle changes. Fad diets are only sneaky ways to cut calories and usually fail because one tends to regain the weight lost plus some. Now that the new year has come, why not find out what your caloric needs are, and then make some healthy changes in eating habits that work within your own personal weight loss zone.

• Jody Pettersen is a registered dietitian with Silver State Nutrition. Contact her at 775-720-3490 or e-mail silverstate


Saturday, January 16, 2010

Weight Loss Reviews: Narrowing Down the List of Options | The Weight Loss Grail Blog

Weight Loss Reviews: Narrowing Down the List of Options

Weight loss has become a top priority among people who have been struggling with weight problems. The severity of the problem varies from one individual to the next, so the weight loss program to choose should be complementary to the condition of the dieter. Nowadays, there are just too many diet plans and programs available on the Internet that it becomes very overwhelming. Add to that the varying weight loss reviews that are more confusing than helpful. With this problem, many dieters end up trying out many programs before settling on the one that is a “best fit”. This means that people end up spending so much money on various regimens that turn out to be a complete failure. This situation can be remedied by reading as many weight loss reviews as possible before undertaking any specific program.

Getting yourself acquainted with the strengths and weaknesses of certain weight loss programs will help you decide on the plan that will best suit your needs. However, it is also important to know which reviews are real and which ones are not. More often than not, a lot of them are just sales pitch disguised as reviews. One way to know a legitimate review is when a reviewer has actually used the products as evidenced by extensive and comprehensive examination. Actual photos and day to day journal chronicling the steps and the outcomes can be good pieces of evidence that point to a legitimate online review. Those who are focused on selling the weight loss program will not voluntarily offer specific details because they are just concerned with closing a sale.

Weight loss reviews are very helpful to people who are attempting to supplement their diet plans with other regimens in order to expedite the weight loss. These reviews may be about diet supplements, gym membership benefits, diet plans, and step by step diet regimens. These options can work pretty well especially if they are done according to the instructions; however, certain programs may not work because they are not compatible with the needs of the dieter. In most cases, dieters only find out what’s good for them after trying out several other options. The problem with this practice is that it can be very costly. Weight loss programs don’t come cheap as they involve workout and food plans that run for a long period of time. To remedy this costly practice, it is best to know the body’s condition. This can be done by consulting a doctor or a nutritionist. When this has been covered, one can narrow down the list of the possible weight loss programs even further. With this process of elimination, it will be much easier to arrive at a decision, and ultimately the right program for specific weight problem.

It is a known fact that excessive food intake is primarily the reason for weight gain; however, there is also a need to assess the reasons why people are compelled to consume more than necessary. It can be a psychological problem or perhaps a genetics issue. In any case, all these must be considered when seriously considering a weight loss program.

Author Bio: Are you looking for more information on weight loss reviews ? Visit http://www.yourweightlosssite.com today for more information!

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Tags: loss reviews, weight loss, weight loss reviews

Thursday, January 7, 2010

How Can I Avoid Feeling Hungry?

By Christine Luff

Reader Question: How Can I Avoid Feeling Hungry?

If you've started watching your calories and trying to exercise more in the new year, you may be hearing some strange grumbling noises during the day. No, I'm not talking about when you're complaining to yourself about running in the cold or having to wait for a treadmill at the gym. I mean those annoying hunger pains!

It's perfectly normal to feel hungry when you start a new exercise regimen or you increase your exercise frequency or intensity, especially if you're also trying to cut your calorie intake at the same time. You're burning more calories, so your body needs to take more in. Here are tips to avoid feeling hungry, without overindulging, and hopefully lose weight in the process:

Get lots of healthy, high-fiber foods in your diet. Most high-fiber foods require more chewing, which helps to satisfy hunger. High-fiber foods are usually bulky so they fill up your stomach faster and can also delay the time it takes your stomach to empty. Also, many high-fiber foods are low in calories, so you can satisfy your hunger with fewer calories. Whole grains, vegetables, and fruits are great sources of fiber.

Try eating five to six small meals a day instead of three large ones. If you wait too long for a meal, you'll be starving and tempted to overindulge by the time you eat. Eating more frequent, smaller meals helps keep you full, and lets you stay in control.

Slow down when you're eating. It takes our body about 20 minutes to realize that it's full. If you eat quickly, you'll eat extra calories while your body is figuring out whether it's hungry. By the time your body realizes that it's full, you've already eaten more than you needed. If you eat slowly, your brain will start sending signals to stop eating at the right time.