Saturday, July 23, 2011

Thermotox Weight Loss / Detox Review: Is Thermotox A Scam?

If you're doing a little research on Thermotox, it's possible you've already read a half dozen glowing "reviews" on web sites claiming to have your best interests at heart.

Well, guess what?

This is not going to be one of them.

In fact, there are so many things wrong with Thermotox, it's hard to know where to start. Let's begin with some of the advertising...

"After countless hours of research, The NutriLife Research & Development Team has uncovered some shocking news regarding weight loss: the underlying cause of fat and weight gain is TOXIC BUILD UP! In fact, over 70% of people suffering from weight gain can attribute their decreased metabolism and weight gain to harmful toxins built up over time."


Isn't that interesting. I'd love to see the "science" that validates this statement. Especially when every single credible source—including the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta—indicates "fat and weight gain" are a result of consuming too many calories and exercising too little.

In other words, we eat too much and spend too much time sitting on the couch. Very simple. It's not because of "toxic build up."

Imagine if it were true? That you could actually consume as many calories as you wanted and never gain weight, provided you "detoxified" yourself once in a while? Heck, it would be headline news—you'd hear about it on the radio, see it on the news, and read about it in the paper.

But you are not. What's that tell you?

Not only does this assertion defy the physical realities of how the human body works, but it's insulting to you, as it requires a complete and total disconnect from reality on the part of the consumer.

Here's the first big problem with Thermotox...

Making an assertion that contradicts established knowledge without providing any proof to substantiate it.

And who are "The NutriLife Research & Development Team" exactly? Anywhere we can learn more about who they are and what their credentials are?

I didn't think so. There's not even any information on the web site on who retails the product. That's a HUGE red flag. What genuine company hides its identity from consumers?

But what about the toxins in our environment? Aren't they dangerous?

They can be, when present in sufficient concentrations. And they may impact your health. That's true.

But "detox" for the most part, is a meaningless marketing term (you can read more here and here).

None of the ingredients in any of the commercial detox products have any scientifically-demonstrated abilities to draw deep seated environmental toxins from muscle and fat stores and flush them from the body.

For the most part these products contain diuretics (which make you have to "pee" more) fiber supplements (which make you have to go #2 more) and antioxidants, compounds which neutralize free radicals.

These ingredients may make you "feel" like you're flushing toxins from your body, and that's exactly why they are included. But in reality, they are doing nothing (any detoxifying that occurs in your body is being done by your liver, of its own accord).

Consider this...

If detoxifying products were actually so good at detoxing, it would be a simple matter to prove it. Just measure concentrations of a select group of heavy metals and environmental toxins before and after supplementation.

The data would provide the proof to substantiate your claims.

Yet that's never done. Why do you suspect that is? I don't think you'll need more than 1 guess...

So let's talk about Thermotox's ingredients for a few minutes...

What's in Thermotox?

According to the official web site, it contains over 40 fat burning and detoxing ingredients. It doesn't list them all; only a select few are revealed (these include acai, cayenne pepper, flax seed, lactobacillus acidophilus, wheatgrass, green tea, aloe vera, mangosteen, pomegranate, apple cider vinegar, noni, and ginger), and no information is given about dosage.

So we can't assess the formula. And that is not a good thing; there is no genuine, legitimate reason why a retailer would hide a product's ingredient profile from consumers.

But what about the sheer number of ingredients? Here's what you need to know about that...

Including a zillion ingredients in a product is one of the oldest tricks in the supplement retailer's book. It makes the consumer think...

"Wow! 40 ingredients! This is incredible. It must be an extremely advanced product."

Unfortunately, while that seems like a logical conclusion, it is an incorrect one. Here's the problem...

Just like pharmaceutical drugs, the "natural herbal" ingredients in weight loss products like this one must be present in an appropriate dosage to have any effect. And remember—the amount of ingredient you can deliver is restricted by serving and capsule size.

For example, the largest capsule size generally used by retailers and well-tolerated by consumers is "00". The exact amount of ingredient such a capsule can contain depends on the density of the powdered ingredient, but a good general number is 650 mg.

So the greatest amount of active ingredient we can expect from this product is in the 1300 mg range (from a 2-capsule dose).

By including 40 ingredients, you're ensuring most will only be present as "label" dressing (i.e., they look great on the label, but are not included in a dosage strong enough to elicit any effect).

But what about all the web sites promoting this product as one of the best weight loss and detoxing solutions? The ones talking about the "science behind Thermotox?"


As you'll see in a moment, all is not as it appears when it comes to impartial supplement reviews on the internet.

Here's an example...

One website,, claims to provide you with a listing of the best, most effective diet pills, based on a series of criteria (including speed of results, quality of ingredients, product safety, long term results, customer feedback, company reputation, guarantee and reorder rate). In its top 10 list you'll find Thermotox, which they say... " the fastest acting diet pill that will help you lose up to 12 pounds in 7 days."

What you are not told is that is owned by a company called ENR LLC. ENR just happens to manufacture Thermotox (as well as Lipofuze, the #1 weight loss pick on the site). They have a D rating with the Better Business Bureau, and a long history of customer complaints on Complaints Board and Ripoff Report.

Yep... the folks who have the most to gain financially from a sale of this product are the same ones promoting it as the most effective product available.

Bottom line?

The site appears to offer impartial, customer-focused recommendations, based on the aforementioned series of criteria. It is in fact, a sales site, designed to generate revenue for the company.

This sort of thing is happening a LOT online (check our article, Who's Reviewing Your Weight Loss Supplements for an eye-opening list of other companies engaged in the same practice). Other sites promoting this product are likely doing it for a commission on referred sales, or perhaps they are also operated by ENR LLC.

So what's the bottom line here?

There is exactly ZERO evidence you can lose any weight with this product through "detoxification", and you certainly won't lose 12 lbs. in 7 days as claimed by the advertising. Plus, we're not going to promote a product retailed by a company that doesn't seem to have any concept of the word "ethics". Have you used with this product?
Share your Thermotox experience, and / or read user reviews, comments,
and testimonials on this product, click here!

View the original article here