Most people dream of losing fat belly and getting a hard set of sexy 6-pack abs, yet only a handful of people ever achieve this dream. Why are there so much of confusion on this subject? Is it really that complicated of a process?
Well, it really isn't THAT complicated. Basically to get sexy abs, your fat % needs to be low enough for them to be visible. However losing fat belly and achieving sexy abs does require a fair amount of discipline in your diet habits and a whole new level of high intensity workout.
Tip #1 : Feed Your Body With a Balanced Diet
Diet is the MOST important area of fat loss. Losing fat belly requires a good eating habit. You don't need to go on a diet gimmick with low fat, low carb or whatsoever. Just remember that balance is the key and you should not restrict your body's needs. So feed yourself with the right amount of quality protein, high fiber foods and healthy fats.
Tip #2 : High Intensity Multi-Joint Exercises
Dedicate only 10% of your workout time on direct abs exercises. For the rest of the time, focus on high intensity full body multi-joint exercises such as combination of squats, lunges, pullups, pushups, dips, chess presses and deadlifts. What you need to understand here is that spot reduction exercises on abs alone is simply not enough for losing fat belly. In order to burn fats effectively, you need to workout the large muscle groups of your body to stimulate high metabolic response and fat burning hormones for real fat loss.
Tip #3 : High Intensity Cardio Variations
Focus on shorter duration workout but with high intensity and different variations for losing fat belly. So instead of a long duration, steady-paced boring traditional cardio, switch your "cardio" to short duration of different variations such as wind sprints, hill sprints, stair sprints, jump rope and other high intensity cardio.
With all these top 3 tips combined, you'd be losing fat belly and getting sculpted sexy abs in no time. Like I mentioned above, it does require a decent amount of discipline. However your journey of losing fat belly can also be fun if you want to make it fun!
I stumbled across this site:, which has specially designed fat belly exercises and fat belly busting solutions. It's an expert all-round solution that's given me and my friends awesome looking abs!
If you would like to read more on the topic of losing fat belly, visit Alexis E Summer's page on Lose Fat Belly [] - Best Way to Lose Fat Belly in Just Weeks!