A fat burner for every day of the year? Yep... at least that's the idea behind the 365 day fat burner. Here's the concept: you get a whole big bunch of amazing fat burning ingredients at an unheard of price, and you don't need to buy anything again for an entire year (or every 6 months, if you double the one-per-day dosage—which is the recommendation of the retailer!).
The retail web site discusses how much you'll save by choosing the 365 day fat burner over typical "expensive" weight loss products you would normally buy from month to month. Then, as if to demonstrate this amazing value, they display the impressive list of ingredients included in the 365 day fat burner.
What they do not do, of course, is show you exactly how much of each ingredient you're getting.
And herein lies the problem. Take one ingredient, glucomannan, for instance. Studies have shown that 1 gram of glucommann, taken prior to meals, can help with weight loss (see full review for accompanying clinical references).
How much does the 365 day fat burner contain? No one knows for sure.
But we can be darned certain it contains nowhere near the amount shown to be helpful in studies.
How can we be sure of that?
Pure logistics.
A gram (1,000 mg) of glucomannan may not sound like much, but you'd need to take two large capsules of the stuff to obtain that dosage.
An effective daily dosage would require 6 large capsules. You'd need slightly more than 2,100 large capsules to supply a years dose of an effective dose of glucomannan alone.
And the 365-day fat burner contains 13 ingredients in 365 capsules! If a few of the more promising ingredients were present in doses strong enough to do anything, these capsules would be way, way, WAY too large for you to ever be able to swallow them.
Additionally, there's the simple issue of cost: including an effective dose of several of the ingredients (green and oolong teas, guggul, etc) would be expensive— so expensive that we can rule out their inclusion in all but the tiniest amounts.
I would be surprised if the 365-day fat burner contained anything but caffeine in a useful dose. Caffeine, after all, is an ingredient consumers can "feel", and it's cheap, cheap, cheap.
To make matters worse, there is absolutely no company information provided on the product web site. Who is selling this stuff? How can you obtain remuneration for a product you are not happy with? Who can you complain to in case of an incorrect billing issue?
Frankly, there's only one reason for any company to isolate themselves from you, the customer. And that's to prevent you from obtaining recourse for any unsatisfactory issue. Stand up companies are happy to identify themselves. Those who do not... well, I'll let you make your own judgment call on that one.
The bottom line is simple; without knowing what dosage the various ingredients are included in, it's impossible to determine what sort of value this product actually offers. But logistics and simple issues of cost indicate it's probably not much.
Quality products with potent formulations cost money, there's no way around it.
In the end, you get what you pay for!
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